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Your Investment Today Includes...
  • The Recipe & Eating Plan Handbook
    Marina's exact recipes and daily eating plan - kickstart your AMPK, cut bloat, and get your metabolism burning clean!
  • The Workout Plan & Video Library
    Workout with Marina for the next fourteen days - burn crazy calories, and add smooth, lean muscle.
  • 12 Ways To Lose Weight Without Diet Or Exercise
    12 simple, "autopilot" habits to lose weight, and keep it off. Pick a few, and make them an easy daily routine.
  • Beautiful Skin From Within Guide
    An evidence-based program for improving your skin complexion, texture, tightness and moisture - without topicals or treatments.
  • The Foam Rolling Guide
    Hit hidden trigger points in your fascia, and unlock full-body mobility.
  • The Stretching Guide
    Reduce years of built-up soreness and discomfort, and expand your range of motion in joints and muscles.
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