Hey girl, Marina here.

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Congrats again on joining the 14-Day Reset! I’m so excited for you to start.

You’re in for an incredible transformation…

… fast, sustainable weight loss… renewed daily energy…

you’ll feel like a brand new woman…

All because you made the decision to try my 14 Day Metabolism Reset.

And I know you’ve already heard about Radiant Boost… but you weren’t ready to give it a try.



So I want to give you one more chance to try Radiant Boost… for free.

It’s The Ultimate Metabolism Booster

Radiant Boost is designed to boost metabolic function inside every cell in your body.

Not just the muscles you’re working out with my programs… literally every cell from your head to your toes - commanded to burn calories all day for energy.

Here are the ingredients that make it a world-class metabolism booster:

Ingredient #1: Berberine

The Wall Street Journal just called it: “The Cheaper Weight Loss Alternative To Ozempic.” But…

It only works if it’s in the correct clinically studied dosage (most berberine supplements skimp out on the dose - but Radiant Boost has the full science backed serving!)

Berberine forces every cell in your body to step on the metabolic “gas pedal”...

That’s more than 30 trillion cells revving up their metabolic engines - helping you burn more food and fat as fuel!1

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The craziest part…

Scientists found that after giving overweight women a berberine supplement - it had a similar effect on their metabolism as exercise… but they didn’t exercise!2

So imagine adding Radiant Boost to your 14-Day Reset workouts…

It’ll be like doubling your workouts…for double the results… without any extra work!

Ingredient #2: Gymnema

This is an exciting ingredient if you love sugary foods, but hate the consequences - like weight gain, low energy, and brain fog.

Its original Hindi name - gurmar - means “sugar destroyer”...

And Eastern Ayurvedic doctors have used it for centuries to support healthy blood sugar and to help with weight management.3

Here’s how it works:

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Gymnema molecules look like sugar molecules to your body, so they “bind” to sugar receptors in your mouth and small intestine…

When that happens “real” sugar doesn’t have a place to go!

So you digest way less of it and the rest passes right through you!4 5

Meaning you can enjoy more of the foods you love without worrying about what they’re doing to your waistline!

Ingredient #3:
Chromium Picolinate

If food cravings always seem to derail your
weight loss, you’ll love this ingredient.

Chromium Picolinate is clinically proven to
cut cravings by helping your brain use glucose more efficiently.

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In one 8-week study, Chromium Picolinate lowered food intake, and crushed cravings and hunger pangs in overweight women…

… and another study showed it reduced carb intake by a full 25%!6

Imagine eating 25% fewer carbs without even thinking about it…

That adds up to an astounding amount of calories that won’t reach your waistline!

All you do is take Radiant Boost once per day

And Let The Ingredients
Do The Work For You…

You see why I want to send you a free bottle, don’t you?

It takes just seconds every morning to guarantee you double your weight loss, supercharge your energy, keep the cravings monkey off your back…

… while getting to enjoy more of the foods you love and have the best weight loss experience of your life!

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You can take the capsules whenever you like.

They’re 100% vegetarian, and they’re gentle on the stomach.

It almost seems too easy… doesn’t it?

Well - that’s exactly what we wanted!

You’re already putting in your best effort by following the 14-Day Reset…

So why add more workouts when you can virtually double the impact without them.

So, can I send you a free bottle of this little metabolism “cheatcode”?

Here’s How It Works:


Choose to Upgrade Your Order Right Now

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Our warehouse team will pack up your bottle of Radiant Boost… for free! All you’ll do is cover the cost of shipping.


In 30 Days, I’ll Send You Another Bottle Of Radiant Boost

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Your Radiant Boost Subscription will start next month, and you’ll pay only $39 per month. You’ll automatically receive another bottle of Radiant Boost. And you’ll get free access to the Radiant Life Membership Site as long as your subscription is active (details on what’s inside the site below).


Stay Onboard, Or Cancel At Any Time

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Your rate of $39 per month (20% OFF the retail price) is locked in for as long as you stay subscribed - along with free access to the membership site. You’ll keep receiving one bottle of Radiant Boost monthly to make losing weight and keeping it off so much easier.

And you’re not locked in… just the opposite! You can cancel your subscription at any time, by calling or emailing us.

You’re going to love Radiant Boost…

And Everything You’ll Get As A Radiant Life Member!

Deciding to make Radiant Boost a part of your metabolism-boosting routine says a lot about you! It says you want to be the best version of yourself… so I want to help you do that - on a more personal level.

As a monthly Radiant Boost subscriber, you’ll get access to my Radiant Life Membership for as long as your subscription is active.

That’s a $49/month value,
for free!

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Inside you’ll get…

  • New metabolism boosting workouts every month to keep them fresh and exciting.
  • Delicious Recipes and daily meal plans to keep your metabolism running as good as ever.
  • My collection of high-energy, low-impact Yoga classes to help you stretch out and stay flexible.
  • A library of prenatal/postnatal workouts for all the RadMoms out there.
  • Monthly “coffee talk” group Zoom calls where we’ll dive into mindset, motivation, and how to stay on track when life gets a little crazy.
  • Access to my private Facebook group where you can connect with other women like you - and find encouragement, support, and friendship!

And remember…

You Can Cancel At
Any Time

You’re not locked in… just the opposite: you can cancel your subscription whenever you want.

This is all about convenience for you.

When you say yes to your free bottle of Radiant Boost today, you won’t have to worry about reordering Radiant Boost. We’ll have everything automated so you receive one bottle every month without having to lift a finger.

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And remember, Radiant Boost was professionally formulated with the help of a real anti-aging doctor to help guarantee you get the full potential of every ingredient.

The results are not subtle - they’re dramatic.

So if you ever feel like it’s not worth 10 times your small monthly investment (which is the price of two trips through a fast food drive-thru these days)...

I’ve made it incredibly easy and hassle-free to pause or cancel your subscription.

All you need to do is call us… or email us.

But please know…

You’ll Never Have This Opportunity Again…
Unless You Decide To Jump Onboard Today

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This free offer is a one-time “welcome” gift…

And I only have a small batch of bottles to give away for free.

If you want to try Radiant Boost in the future, it will cost $49.95 per bottle - and you’ll have to pay that amount even if you sign up for a monthly subscription.

But since you’re a new customer, I want to celebrate your great decision, and this special moment in your life…

So if you choose to upgrade now, you can try it for free, and lock in 20% monthly savings.

Please think about what’s at your fingertips right now…

A Metabolism Boosting Sidekick That Gets Everyone Talking…

It’s impossible to not notice a transformation like the one you’re about to go through.

You’ll look amazing, and it’s gonna happen really fast…

So I hope you won’t mind the extra attention from your significant other… or a few more glances in your direction when you pick up the kids from school…

… or your girlfriends and coworkers begging to know your secret.

Of course, you’re welcome to tell them - and I hope you will!

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Remember, when you upgrade now, you’re getting:

  • A FREE bottle of Radiant Boost ($49.95 value) - all you’ll do is pay for shipping
  • If you love it after the first month, you’ll be added to my subscription mailing list - meaning I’ll send you one bottle of Radiant Boost every month for only $39… that’s 20% OFF…
  • FREE access to the Radiant Life Membership (which saves you $49/month)...
  • And inside that group you’ll get workouts, recipes, meal plans, zoom calls, admission into our friendly Facebook Group, and more…

And of course, you can cancel any time, so there’s no risk to try it out.

I know this will have a huge impact on your success with the 14-Day Reset and beyond - so I hope you’ll take me up on it! Just click the button below before the timer runs down!

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By selecting this box, I agree to receive a free month of Radiant Boost after I cover the cost for shipping ($4.95 US, $9.95 International). My free bottle will ship today. Then, my subscription to Radiant Boost will begin in 30 days, for $39 a month. I’ll also get access to the Radiant Life Membership Site for no additional cost. I can cancel any time, by calling 1-844-329-2473, or sending a message to mail@radiant.me.

Yes! Send Me A Free Bottle Of Radiant Boost & Activate My Subscription! button icon
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100% Money Back
Lifetime Guarantee

Remember, if you’re dissatisfied with your order at any time or for any reason, simply contact us at mail@radiant.me or 1-844-329-2473 for a full no questions-asked refund, (excluding S&H.) Because if you’re not happy, we don’t deserve your business.


  1. "Berberine is a potential therapeutic agent for metabolic syndrome ...."
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6291723/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.
  2. "Berberine, a natural plant product, activates AMP-activated protein ...."
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16873688/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023
  3. "Gymnema sylvestre: A Memoir - PMC - NCBI." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2170951/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.
  4. "A systematic review of Gymnema sylvestre in obesity and diabetes ...." 30 Mar. 2014,
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24166097/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.
  5. "The Effects of Gymnema sylvestre in High-Fat Diet-Induced ...."
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28514906/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.
  6. "Effects of Chromium Picolinate on Food Intake and Satiety - NCBI."
    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2753428/. Accessed 4 Nov. 2023.